Matt Shlian

Matthew Shlian, an American artist, transforms paper into kinetic sculptures, seamlessly blending art with cutting-edge science. With an MFA in Paper Engineering from Cranbrook Academy, Shlian has collaborated with prestigious brands like Apple and LEVI’s, as well as the University of Michigan.
Sculptural paper
Whilst the work of Shlian has an apparent mathematical and meticulously organised nature, surprisingly the artist often works in a more intuitive approach. Starting with the inception of an idea, the artist lets his chosen material of paper pave the way, as he folds and evolves the artwork.

Actively collaborating with leading universities in the research field of paper engineering and nano folding, Shlian brings a theoretical sensibility to his work.

Within the resultant compositions there are evident thematic connections to cellular structures and biomimetics, as well as wider reference to Islamic design and architecture.

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